Arabic for Youth N3 | Novice High
- 2 Months
- 45-Minutes Zoom sessions
- 3 Sessions a week
- 180$/Month
- Novice High Level (Beginner)
- Time: Pending
Units include: countries and nationalities, time, house parts, shopping, places, daily routines, days of the week, interrogative words, types of Arabic words, and propositions.
Prerequisite: Arabic for Youth N2 Novice Mid (or equivalent)
At the end of this course the learner should be able to:
- Ask questions about familiar topics.
- Conjugate verbs with (I, he, and she) subjects in present, past, and future tense.
- Recognize singulars and plurals.
- Describe where they live.
- Do shopping in a grocery store.
- Recognize the two types of Arabic sentences.
- Negate present verb tense.
- Use the basic words to talk about: countries and nationalities, time, house parts, shopping, places, daily routines, and days of the week.