Arabic for Kids A2 | Advanced Mid (SUMMER COURSES)
- 2 Months
- 45-Minutes sessions
- 3 Sessions a week
- 220$/Month
- Advanced Mid Level
- Next term: Jun 2022
- Time: Pending
Units include: travel and transportation, in the hotel, in the restaurant, shopping, tourism, traffic signs, using Arabic dictionary, conjunctions, conjugation and negation verbs with dual and plural subjects.
Prerequisite: Arabic for Kids I1 Advanced Low (or equivalent)
At the end of this course the learners should be able to:
- Speak about travel and transportation.
- Make conversations in touristic places such as transportation, stores, hotels, and restaurants.
- Read traffic signs in Arabic cities.
- Use Arabic dictionary to find words’ meanings.
- Recognize conjunctions and use them in sentences and paragraphs.